Sähköpostihuijari joka ei vastannut #8

From: Rasheed Laninu (rasheedlaminu00@gmail.com)
Date: 30.8.2015 1:06
To: Santeri Mäkinen [santeri.makinen@luukku.com]
Subject: Buisness Proposal .Can I Trust You??
My dear I had the intent to contact you over transfer of fund worth the
sum of (Us$10M)u.s dollars,I agree that 40% of the total amount will be
for you and 60% for me.I need your urgent response on assurance of trust
that you will not deny my share when once the fund is transfer to your
personal bank account. urgently response is needed through this email
address:( rasheedlaminu00@gmail.com ) reply with your information as I
3) occupation:
Thanks Rasheed Laninu
Hello my dear,
The fact that you don't tell me what this business venture actually is, is discerning. So much so that I think I need to demand a 60% cut instead of the 40%. Also, I want my cat to get a 3% cut because he's so cuddly wuddly caddly. This would leave you with 37% cut, excluding all the other cuts that I'll come up with in the future. Is this okay to you?
Here's my information in the meanwhile
1) Names: Santeri Charlie Luukas Kristus Mäkinen
3)Occupation: The Vice President
4)Age: 28
Thank you
Dear Friend Santeri ,
Greetings to you and how are you? I so much thank you for your
response and I want to re-assure you again that their will be no risk
involve in this transaction ,why because I will be giving you every
relevant Information concerning the late deceased customer and since
his death no one has come forward to claim this fund for so many
years I have been monitoring this fund for so many years and have
made every necessary arrangement
towards the successful of this transaction as to make sure that I will
move this fund to a different account .
So all you are going to do is to follow my Instructions and directives
as to avoid any mistake from your own side as I knew quite well that
with my directives this fund will hit your account within seven
working days and I will come over to your country to meet with you for
my own share but if you can be able to direct me on the area ,where by
I can Invest over there in your country.
I want you to bear in mind that since I am the one who contacted you
for this transaction and I will take 50% while 40% will be for you
and we will map out 10% for any expenditures such as our telephone
calls and
Intern ate bills and please I am giving this trust to you and please
one more again don?t betray me as I quite knows and believe that
something must bring two people together as I know that this
transaction will bring the two families together as one .
Already this fund have over stayed with this bank management and that
is the more reason we have to come together as one to move out this
fund so that the Government will not call this fund back to the
national treasurer as an unclaimed fund. Please try as much as you can
to keep this transaction confidential until we receive this fund into
the account which you will provide to the bank and if there is any
other thing that you don?t understand concerning this transaction
,feel free to ask me some questions on the area that you do not
understand so that I will clarify you very well.
As an insider with the bank I will be there to direct you on how to
follow the bank management as to make sure that we will receive this
fund into your account without any delay, so keep this top-secrete.
Once I receive your response I will forward to you the test of
application of claim which you will fill and send direct to the bank
management through the bank email address and once you receive any
response from the bank do get back to me before you will respond back
to them so be rest assured and once you receive this fund into your
account ,I will try as much as I can to remove your file from the
foreign remittance directors office before I will come over to meet
with you over there in your country..
Expecting to hear from you soonest.
Extend my greetings to your entire family .
NAME/ Mr .Rasheed Laminu
HOME ADDRESS/ No. 137 Rue Ouaga housing Estate Block 18
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
OCCUPATION / BANKER/ YOURS???????????????????..
PRIVATE TELEPHONE / YOURS?????????????????????
+226 76 18 70 91
I want you to know I have carefully read your mail partly and will read the rest when my erection goes away. It might take a while, this happens sometimes. Don't worry about that though.
In the meanwhile, I want to get back to the percentages. Do you really think we are going to make phonecalls to each other with over 1 million dollars worth? Because, and this may be just me, but I think that sum should be around 5 dollars.
Therefore, and because this thing is constantly changing, I have decided to make a graph showing you how the percentages will be dealt with. I have added a couple new points that we can discuss about but I'd rather not.
Please look at the graph attached to this mail and tell me are you down with the game, are you ready to walk the talk, are you ready to get down with sickness.
Allahu akrabababr.

Here's an even more updated graph on how we should split the money. I have taken some liberties regarding the way we split the money, in such way that none of the money that goes to new recipients comes from my end.
Is this okay to you? Should we proceed?